technical support

Technical support policy The technical support team works to provide its services to all users of the electronic platform in several ways to suit all users’ desires, including: 1. Support via access programs and applications for users' devices such as "TeamViewer". 2. Support via social media chat programs (WhatsApp). 3. Live support via phone. 4. Support inside the training hall. 5. Email support. 6. Support via the technical support form on the website. Technical support channels Contact the direct call center During official working hours throughout the week, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and during training course times Email: Or mobile number: 0566812777 Services included in technical support: Technical support via phone: Providing a technical support service via phone to platform users to help them solve technical problems and inquiries. Technical support via email: Providing an email channel to receive user inquiries and provide technical support and solutions. Technical support chat on the platform: Providing a live chat service on the platform to direct inquiries and provide technical support in real time. Providing a knowledge center/knowledge base: Create a knowledge center on the platform that contains articles and explanations to help users solve their problems on their own. Regular updates and workshops: Providing periodic updates to the platform and conducting training workshops for its users to learn about new features and solve common problems. Follow up on support tickets: Providing a tracking system for support tickets to ensure effective follow-up and quick resolution of all inquiries and problems. Roles, responsibilities and powers The roles required to carry out technical support are divided into several levels: First level: Customer service call center It receives all incoming communications and provides them with initial technical support according to the nature of the incoming inquiries, or transfers them to the relevant department. Second level: technical support Through this section, the technical support and verification process is completed Expected time to respond to technical support requests: Within 48 working hours. work hours Official working hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. throughout the week, and during training courses. - Escalating the request if there is no response within the specified period Objective: This policy aims to ensure an effective and immediate response to all technical requests and inquiries, by specifying clear procedures for escalating requests in the event of failure to respond within the specified period. Action: Monitoring stage: Received requests are monitored periodically to ensure compliance with the specified response time. Set a deadline: Set a specific time frame to respond to requests (for example, 48 business hours) Alert: If the specified period is about to expire and there is no response, an alert is sent to the technical support team. Escalation of the request: If there is no response within the specified period, the request will be escalated to the relevant senior teams. Reason analysis: The reasons that led to the failure to respond in a timely manner are analyzed and the necessary measures are taken to avoid its recurrence. Roles and responsibilities document: Document the roles, responsibilities and numbers of technicians, administrators and technicians who carry out the tasks to implement e-learning M. Name of employee Job title Role and responsibilities of technical support assigned to it Means of communication 1 Badr Al Owais, General Manager, General Supervision, mobile no Unified contact number 2 Suntian Wafi, Director of the Training Authority, following up and solving problems of beneficiaries/coordinating with trainers and trainees, mobile number Unified contact number 3 Mansour Al-Wadaei, Director of the Administrative Board, following up and solving beneficiaries’ problems/coordinating with trainers and trainees, mobile number Unified contact number